
Can Your Stools Change in Color With Cimitideine

Green Stool Causes and Treatment

There's nothing like the sight of green poop to wake you right up. If your stools have suddenly turned green, finding out what's happened is probably the first thing on your mind. There are many different reasons green stools form. Some of the most common are listed here.

You May Have Consumed Spicy Foods, Booze or Java

When bile progresses through your small intestine to your large intestine, it gradually changes color from green to yellow, eventually ending up at brown. If food passes too quickly through this process, it doesn't have time to change from green to brown. So when you go to the bathroom, your stool is still green. This usually happens when you've eaten foods that have a laxative effect on your intestines. Some of these foods include spicy foods like jalapeƱos and chilies or liquids like alcohol or coffee. To treat, you should cut down on the amount of these foods that you eat.

You've Chowed Down on Purple, Green or Blue Food

For obvious reasons, if you've suddenly gone from eating few greens to eating loads of them every day, your stool may turn green very quickly. You can get the same effect if you suddenly eat a lot of dark blue or purple foods and drinks. Increased consumption of foods like grapes, blueberries and red wine can have an effect on what your stool looks like. Foods that are artificially dyed blue or purple like soft drinks and candy can have the same effect. To treat, cut down on the processed foods you're eating since the blue color in those foods comes from artificial ingredients.

You're Pregnant

Pregnancy can have many glorious, not-so-glorious and downright weird effects on the body. Green stool can be any one of those things depending on your perspective. Some women notice that their stool turns green before they find out that they're pregnant. Some women get green schools because they start taking iron supplements or pregnancy vitamins loaded with iron after they discover they're pregnant. Iron is well-known as a supplement that turns stools dark green.

You May Have Traveler's Diarrhea

People who are suffering from certain types of traveler's diarrhea like that caused by E. coli or salmonella can sometimes experience green stools. This is because whatever infection you have in your intestines is causing your body to rush through the small intestine to large intestine process, preventing the stool from being able to turn brown. Your stool will only return to its normal color once the infection has passed.

See a Doctor If the Green Stool Is Ongoing

Many causes of green stool are simply related to what you've eaten. If the green comes from healthy foods, your stool color will return to normal as your body gets used to the food. If the green stool comes from artificial ingredients, cut those out because they're not good for your health overall. If your green stools are accompanied by symptoms of an illness, such as a fever, pain or nausea, or if your green stool condition just won't seem to go away, see your doctor immediately to ensure that nothing more serious is going on.

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Can Your Stools Change in Color With Cimitideine


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